

ZooBrew is our most unique product and is really what puts Price Farms Organics on the map! Composed of manure and bedding from the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium, food scraps, yard trimmings, horse manure, coffee grounds and much more! This multi-use compost is chock-full on nutrients that your plants will absolutely LOVE!

5CY+ loading discount on this product!

20CY+ loading discount on this product!

Also available in 1.5  Cubic Foot Bags for convenient handling

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ZooBrew is our most unique product and it is what puts Price Farms Organics on the map! Composed of manure and bedding from the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium, food scraps, yard trimmings, horse manure, coffee grounds and much more! This multi-use compost is chock-full on nutrients that your plants will absolutely LOVE!

Primary Uses:

• Soil Amendment
• Flower Beds
• Raised Bed Amendment
• Mulch (Excellent Natural Alternative to Dyed Black Mulches)

Additional information

Weight 1100 lbs

Per Yard, Per Bag

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